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Gunfire, Explosions Erupt in Ivory Coast

A soldier of FRCI (Republican forces of Ivory Coast) forces, who are pro-Outtara, prepares his weapon near an Ivorian police station in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, April 14, 2011
A soldier of FRCI (Republican forces of Ivory Coast) forces, who are pro-Outtara, prepares his weapon near an Ivorian police station in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, April 14, 2011

New fighting erupted in Abidjan Wednesday as forces of Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara attacked fighters loyal to deposed leader Laurent Gbagbo.

Witnesses say explosions and heavy gunfire shook walls in the Abidjan suburb of Yopougon and prompted many residents to flee to safer areas.

The new Ouattara government is trying to re-establish security after more than four months of political violence in the West African country.

Officials have appealed for calm but bands of militiamen continue to support Gbagbo, who was captured by pro-Ouattara forces last week, after French and United Nations forces bombarded his home.

The former president still insists he won the November election. The U.N., African Union, and most countries recognize Ouattara as the winner and as the country's rightful president.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.