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India: 23 Nations Seek Help in Evacuating Citizens from Yemen

An Indian evacuee from Yemen hugs her son after arriving at the international airport in Mumbai, April 6, 2015.
An Indian evacuee from Yemen hugs her son after arriving at the international airport in Mumbai, April 6, 2015.

India says 23 countries have sought its help in evacuating their citizens from war-torn Yemen after New Delhi mounted a massive operation to bring out its citizens both by air and sea.

In a tweet, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his support to the rescue effort saying the evacuation efforts “reflect our willingness to serve our people and readiness to help others in distress.”

India has brought out some 3,000 people so far. About half its nationals working in Yemen are nurses. It has also helped some citizens of other countries.

Some were brought out in small boats to naval ships, which could not dock at Aden due to shelling. Others have been brought home by air after India sought Saudi Arabia’s assistance to gain safe access to Yemeni airspace.

India has past experience in large scale evacuation efforts. In recent years it has carried out similar operations in Ukraine, Iraq and Libya.

New Delhi has also been taking the lead in humanitarian missions in the Indian Ocean region. In December, Indian ships and planes ferried water to Maldives when it was hit with a drinking water shortage.