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India Warns of Attacks During Obama Visit

An Indian paramilitary soldier stands guard outside the office of UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) in Srinagar, 27 Oct 2010
An Indian paramilitary soldier stands guard outside the office of UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) in Srinagar, 27 Oct 2010

India's top security official says Kashmiri separatists may attempt to stage attacks during an upcoming visit to India by U.S. President Barack Obama.

Home Minister G.K. Pillai told CNN-IBN television Wednesday the separatists would like to stage a "spectacular event" in the disputed region that will generate worldwide attention.

Mr. Obama is due to visit India early next month to help boost trade and economic ties.

On Wednesday, at least eight people were injured in Indian Kashmir, in clashes between security forces and protesters marking the anniversary of the 1947 arrival of Indian troops in the region.

Elsewhere in the region, India accused Pakistan of firing rockets and mortars on Indian army positions near the border in Indian Kashmir, in the second alleged violation of the cease-fire agreement.

India's military say its troops fired back. There were no reports of casualties.

On Sunday, an Indian soldier was killed in gunfire from Pakistan's side of Kashmir.

India and Pakistan have fought two of their three wars over Kashmir, which is divided between both countries and claimed in full by both. Muslim separatists have been fighting since 1989 for independence from India or a merger with Muslim-majority Pakistan. The fighting has killed more than 60,000 people.

Indian-controlled Kashmir has been plagued by months of anti-India protests, which have left more than 110 people dead.

Separatists observe October 27, the day the Indian army landed in Kashmir 63 years ago, as a so-called "black day."

Some information for this report was provided by AP.