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Iran Urged to Free US Hikers Before Anniversary

The mothers of three American hikers detained in Iran are pleading for them to be freed before this month's one year anniversary of their arrest.

The mothers said Thursday they have sent a letter to the head of Iran's judiciary calling for their children to be released from, as they put it, "their unjust and arbitrary detention" before the July 31 anniversary of their capture.

Iranian security forces arrested Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd and Josh Fattal along the Iran-Iraq border last year.

Family members say the trio may have accidentally strayed across the border into Iran. However, Iranian officials have accused the three of spying.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.

The mothers of three Americans jailed in Iran for 10 months having an emotional reunion with their children in a Tehran hotel, Iran (file photo - 21 May 2010)