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Jordan's King Urges 'Real, Quick' Reforms

Jordan's King Abdullah speaks at Zahran Palace in Amman, February 20, 2011
Jordan's King Abdullah speaks at Zahran Palace in Amman, February 20, 2011

Jordan's King Abdullah has called for "real" and "quick" political reforms to give the public a greater role in government amid popular discontent.

The king told a group of government officials, judges and lawmakers Sunday he also wants more efforts to battle corruption.

Jordanians have been demonstrating since January for political and economic changes, with street protests that resemble the uprisings spreading through the Arab world.

Protests turned violent in Jordan's capital last week. Witnesses say at least eight people were injured when government supporters attacked demonstrators with batons.

Jordanians are demanding constitutional reforms and limits on King Abdullah's authority.

King Abdullah dismissed his Cabinet earlier this month after thousands of Jordanians took to the streets to protest against rising food and fuel prices.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.

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