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South Sudan's Development: How Will It Be Financed ?

Panelists at a recent VOA-sponsored public discussion answer audience questions

Nation building is never easy. And for South Sudan, it is an even more difficult task given the virtual lack of infrastructure. In September 2010, the World Bank reported that 85 percent of the people in what was then Southern Sudan were living below the poverty line. South Sudan does, however, have resources and many people are hopeful the new nation’s vast oil deposits will provide the fuel for development.

South Sudan's Development: How Will It Be Financed ?
South Sudan's Development: How Will It Be Financed ?

VOA’s South Sudan in Focus held a public discussion in Juba on Friday, January 27, 2012 called “Developing South Sudan: How Will It Be Financed?” The panelists for the discussion were Professor Paul Logali Jumi, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Economy, Development and Finance; the U.S. Agency for International Development Mission Director in South Sudan, Kevin Mullaly; Dr. Alfred Sebit Lokuji, Dean of the College of Community Studies and Rural Development at the University of Juba; and the Reverend James Koung Ninrew, the Executive Director of Assistance Mission for Africa.

The panel moderators were South Sudan in Focus co-hosts Charlton Doki and John Tanza.