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Kasich Ends US Presidential Bid


Ohio Governor John Kasich speaks at a press conference withdrawing as a U.S. Republican presidential candidate in Columbus, Ohio, May 4, 2016.
Ohio Governor John Kasich speaks at a press conference withdrawing as a U.S. Republican presidential candidate in Columbus, Ohio, May 4, 2016.

Ohio Governor John Kasich dropped out of the presidential race Wednesday, leaving billionaire real estate magnate and TV personality Donald Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee.

Kasich said he never felt "daunted," even while Trump outspent his campaign 50 to 1. He became emotional when recounting the voters he met across the country, especially at town halls, calling those supporters "absolutely magic."

But voters never fully embraced Kasich's moderate stance. He managed to win only 153 delegates and just one primary -- in his home state of Ohio

Texas Senator Tex Cruz dropped out of the race after his big loss in Tuesday's Indiana primary, leaving Donald Trump as the sole Republican candidate for president.

There were 17 Republican candidates at one point in the race.

Cruz and Kasich had tried to coordinate their campaigns to keep Trump from winning enough delegates to force a deadlocked brokered convention in July.

Clinton, Trump already facing off

Although she lost the Indiana Democratic primary to Bernie Sanders, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has enough delegates to make it nearly mathematically impossible for Sanders to capture the nomination.

But Sanders told CBS television late Wednesday he has no plans to leave the race before the Democratic convention in July, saying he is in it "until the last vote is cast."

Trump and Clinton are already turning their tough and sometimes insulting campaign comments towards each other.

Trump has derided Clinton's time in the State Department, saying she was "asleep at the switch" when protesters overran the U.S. consulate in Benghazil Libya in 2012, killing four Americans.

In an interview with CNN Wednesday, Clinton called Trump "a loose cannon" and a "blustering and bullying guy." She said she is prepared for his attacks, even if he goes after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and his impeachment in 1998 for a lying about an affair with a young White House intern

A number of polls say if the election were held today, Clinton would beat Trump by a landslide. Many Republicans are worried about the future of the party. They believe Trump is harsh personality and a divisive figure and feel that 2016 is already a lost cause.

But Trump says he will bring the party together.

"We're going to win in November," he declared at a victory rally Tuesday night. "We want to bring unity to the Republican Party. We have to bring unity."