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Live Updates: Boston Marathon Explosions

2306 UTC

As the story starts to turn from the explosions to the investigation, stay with VOA as we continue our coverage. Nearly four hours after the blasts rocked the Boston Marathon, here is what VOA knows:

Two explosions near the finish line killed two people and wounded more than fifty. A third incident took place at the nearby John F. Kennedy library about 90 minutes later, but police are not sure if it is related to the marathon blasts.

President Obama says officals do not yet know who is responsible for the bombings, but that the U.S. will find out who did this and hold them accountable. No person or group has claimed responsiblity for the bombing.

2255 UTC

This story is likely to dominate a lot of front pages around the world for several days.
2252 UTC

2251 UTC

Location of the marathon finish line in Boston, Massachusetts, where two deadly explosions occurred.
Location of the marathon finish line in Boston, Massachusetts, where two deadly explosions occurred.

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The London Marathon, which is scheduled to be held on Sunday, April 21, has released the following statement:

We are deeply saddened and shocked by the news from Boston. Our immediate thoughts are with the people there and their families. It is a very sad day for athletics and for our friends and colleagues in marathon running.

Our security plan is developed jointly with the Metropolitan Police and we were in contact with them as soon as we heard the news.

Met Police Chief Superintendent Julia Pendry said: "A security plan is in place for the London Marathon. We will be reviewing our security arrangements in partnership with London Marathon."

2219 UTC

More of President Obama's public statement:

Obama said he is directing the full resources of federal government to help state and local authorities to protect our people and increase security around the country.

He added, "We don’t yet have all the answers but we do know multiple people have been wounded, some gravely in the Boston marathon."

He said he has spoken with FBI director Muller and Homeland Security director Naplitano and that they are mobilizing resources to respond. He added that he has updated leaders of congress in both parties.

He said also said Boston police, firefighters and first responders as well as the national guard responded heroically and continue to do so as we speak.

"We still do not know who did this or why and people should not jump to conclusions without all the facts. We will get to the bottom of this. We will find out who did this and why they did this. Any responsible individual and responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice."

2213 UTC

President Obama says they do not yet know who is responsible for the bombings, but that the U.S. will find out who did this and hold them accountable.

2210 UTC

Watch the president's statement from the White House.

2208 UTC

AT&T says it is leaving its WiFi on at the Boston Marathon.
2202 UTC

Authorities now say two dead and at least 50 injured in the blasts.

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2149 UTC

President Obama will make an address from the press room at the White House in about 30 minutes. No further details have been released yet.

2145 UTC

Boston police say to expect more visible security:
And people start seeing more security:
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Google has started a person finder for those looking for people who may have been at the Boston Marathon today.

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The White House has released a photo of President Obama on the phone with officials in Boston today.

2123 UTC

New from the Boston police:

2118 UTC

Via Computer World: A fixed camera captured the moment two explosions rocked the finish line of today's Boston Marathon.

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2110 UTC

Incredible video of the explosions as they happened from

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More from the police press conference:

Police may continue blowing things up (controled explosions) in next couple of hours.
Question: Is this a terrorist attack?
Answer from Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis: "We're not being definitive at this time but you can reach your own conclusions."

2100 UTC

From the Boston police department:
2059 UTC
2057 UTC

More from the Boston press conference:

Three incidents occurred. Two happened simultaneously. The third occurred at the JFK Library about half hour ago (approximately 4:30 pm EST). People should be calm but they should understand this is an ongoing event.
Governor Deval Patrick said President Obama called him, offering any help needed.
Encouraged people to stay out of crowds. Tourists should go back to hotels.
2054 UTC

From the police press conference in Boston:

Edward Davis, Boston Police Commissioner, says the blasts occurred 50 to 100 yards apart. Multiple casualties. All victims been removed from scene. Sent officers to hospitals to be in touch with family members and possible witnesses. Immediately activated system of resposnse that the commonwealth of Massachusettes has in place.

First calls were to FBI and state police.

There is a third incident, an explosion at the JFK Library. But authorities are not certain incidents are related. Recommending people stay home.

Anyone with information should call 1-800-494-TIPS

2052 UTC

The FAA has imposed a no-fly zone over the site of the Boston Marathon explosions.

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2044 UTC

The White House says President Obama has called Boston Mayor Tom Menino and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and told them his administration would provide whatever assistance is necessary in the investigation and response.

2040 UTC

Security officials confirm at least two more explosive devices were found near the scene and were being dismantled.

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2026 UTC

The New York Times just published a very useful graphic of the explosion locations.

Meanwhile, New York City is stepping up security at various locations in response to the blasts in Boston.

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2020 UTC

At least one college in the Boston area is sending out alerts to its students.
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2014 UTC

More pictures of the aftermath from Twitter.
2010 UTC

In a post on Facebook, Boston marathon says: "There were two bombs that exploded near the finish line in today's Boston Marathon. We are working with law enforcement to understand what exactly has happened."

Boston police say 2 are dead and 23 were injured by the explosions.

2000 UTC
A spokeswoman for Massachusetts General Hospital said four patients were being treated there.

A New York City Police Department spokesman said the city has stepped up security around landmarks in Manhattan, including near prominent hotels, in response to the blast.

Here are some early pictures and video of the explosions.