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Obama Urges Congress to Pass Payroll Tax Cut

U.S. President Barack Obama is urging Congress to quickly approve a payroll tax cut extension for middle class workers to avert a tax hike at the end of the month.

During his weekly address Saturday, Obama encouraged citizens to contact their representatives to support the tax cuts for 160 million Americans.

The president says a family earning $50,000 could realize savings up to $1,000 a year with the tax cut extension. President Obama says allowing a tax increase would represent self-inflicted wounds to the economic recovery.

In this week's Republican address, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell said he expects President Obama's budget being submitted to Congress Monday will contain tax increases that hurt job creation. McDonnell also hailed what he says are the successes of Republican governors in lowering taxes and creating a climate to help businesses create new jobs.

Watch weekly Republican address:

Some information for this report was provided by Reuters.