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Obama Urges Energy Investment to Boost Jobs

U.S. President Barack Obama Friday urged Congress to extend a tax incentive to boost investment in manufacturing clean-energy equipment.

In a speech in Nevada, Mr. Obama said a $5 billion tax credit would encourage private investors to put additional money into the clean energy industry, and create tens of thousands of jobs.

Mr. Obama's remarks came in a campaign-style speech in which he also praised Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, who is facing a tough reelection fight in November.

Democratics in Congress are striving to avoid losses in mid-term elections for one-third of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives.

The electoral chances of opposition Republicans have been helped by the unemployment rate, which is slowly descending from its highest level in decades.

The Democratic president is trying to persuade voters that his policies are working, in hopes they will vote for Democratic candidates and preserve the majority Mr. Obama needs to keep advancing his agenda.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.