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Pakistan, Deadliest Nation for Journalists

A new report says Pakistan is the deadliest nation in the world for journalists.

The report by the Committee to Protect Journalists, titled "Attacks on the Press," says eight journalists were killed for their work in Pakistan in 2010 - more than anywhere else in the world.

It says suicide bombings have taken a devastating toll on the media, killing and injuring dozens. It says journalists face threats from both the Taliban and the ISI, Pakistan's Interservices Intelligence agency.

The report says journalists also face threats in Afghanistan, where two were killed in 2010 and where kidnappings are an ongoing hazard, with two French journalists currently being held captive. Nineteen journalists have been killed in Afghanistan since the 2001 U.S. invasion, and 13 of them were foreigners.

In Sri Lanka, the report says the government is planning a strict media regulatory agency and police have made no effort to find a missing anti-government cartoonist. It says attacks on journalists are not investigated.

The report says in Nepal, three media owners were slain in 2010 and the Kantipur media group faces threats and obstruction.