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Palestinians Mark Anniversary of Loss of Homeland

Palestinians in Israel and Lebanon turned out Friday to mark what they call the Naqba, or "catastrophe" of Israel's creation 62 years ago.

Demonstrators staged protests in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and in Beirut. Lebanon is home to thousands of Palestinian refugees.

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat released a statement saying the Naqba continues. He accused Israel of refusing to recognize the "basic rights" of Palestinians.

More than 700,000 Palestinians are estimated to have fled, or were forced from their homes during the Arab-Israeli war, which began in 1948.

Meanwhile, authorities in Israel say a Palestinian teenager in the West Bank was found dead Friday from a gunshot wound. Palestinians allege Jewish settlers shot the teenager after he threw rocks at their cars.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.