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Renewed Protests in Yemen After Gulf Plan Rejected

Anti-government protesters shout slogans during a demonstration demanding the ouster of Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh, in the southern city of Taiz April 12, 2011
Anti-government protesters shout slogans during a demonstration demanding the ouster of Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh, in the southern city of Taiz April 12, 2011

Massive anti-government demonstrations erupted across Yemen on Tuesday after opposition leaders rejected a plan that could have led to President Ali Abdullah Saleh's resignation.

Protesters gathered in cities that included Taiz, Ibb and the capital, Sana'a, where they voiced their opposition to Saleh, calling for his immediate departure. The Associated Press said some protesters wore signs saying they were ready to die for their cause.

On Monday, opposition leaders rejected a proposal from the Gulf Cooperation Council that called for Saleh to transfer powers to a vice president. The opposition said it turned down the plan because it protected the president and his family from prosecution.

Saleh had indicated he was willing to accept the offer. He had previously offered to end his 32-year rule, but only after new elections are held.

Clashes between Yemeni security forces and opposition activists have killed more than 100 people since the protests began two months ago.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.

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