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Report: Germany Mulls Future Military Options on Syria

FILE - German chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany.
FILE - German chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany.

Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman says Germany is talking with allies about the situation in Syria but isn't confirming a report that Berlin is mulling the possibility of participating in future military strikes.

Without naming sources, the Bild newspaper reported Monday that the defense ministry is examining the possibility of some kind of involvement in future military action if Syria's government carries out a further chemical attack. It said that followed a U.S. request to the chancellery.

Merkel spokesman Steffen Seibert said that "of course the German government is in contact with partners and allies" on Syria. However, he said "there has been no situation in which a decision had to be made'' and that he "won't participate in speculation."

Germany stayed out of previous U.S.-led airstrikes but voiced its support.