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Rights Group: Zimbabwean Soldiers Beating up Opposition

FILE - Zimbabwe police apprehend people they had found inside opposition Movement for Democratic Change Alliance offices in Harare following a raid there, Aug. 2, 2018. The people were arrested for leading protests that turned violent. (C. Mavhunga/VOA)
FILE - Zimbabwe police apprehend people they had found inside opposition Movement for Democratic Change Alliance offices in Harare following a raid there, Aug. 2, 2018. The people were arrested for leading protests that turned violent. (C. Mavhunga/VOA)

Zimbabwean security forces and unidentified gunmen have beaten and harassed dozens of people in a crackdown on the political opposition following a disputed election, Human Rights Watch said Tuesday, while a joint statement by the United States, European Union and others condemned the ``eruption of violence.''

The Human Rights Watch allegation contradicts assertions by the government of President Emmerson Mnangagwa that it has abandoned the state-sponsored violence and intimidation associated with the rule of former leader Robert Mugabe. It comes after soldiers last week opened fire on rioters, protesters and bystanders in the capital, Harare, an opposition stronghold. Six people were killed.

FILE - Soldiers beat a supporter of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change party of Nelson Chamisa outside the party's headquarters as they await the results of the general elections in Harare, Zimbabwe, Aug. 1, 2018.
FILE - Soldiers beat a supporter of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change party of Nelson Chamisa outside the party's headquarters as they await the results of the general elections in Harare, Zimbabwe, Aug. 1, 2018.

The joint statement by the heads of mission of EU states in Zimbabwe along with the U.S., Canada and Switzerland condemned the "violence, attacks, and acts of intimidation targeted at opposition leaders and supporters," saying such violations have no place in a democratic society. The statement also urged Zimbabwe's government to respect the rights of citizens and to ensure that the defense forces "act with restraint."

Human Rights Watch said it had documented "numerous cases" of soldiers beating up people in some Harare bars and restaurants since the Aug. 1 shootings. The military accused the people of undermining Mnangagwa because most votes in the capital went to the opposition, the group said.

Human Rights Watch also reported a case in which six masked men broke into the house of a youth leader of the opposition, beat up some people and abducted two men.

"The masked men put the abducted men in a white double-cab truck and drove them to a secluded place along Masvingo road, then beat and kicked them for an hour before releasing them," said the rights group, which documented similar cases elsewhere.

Sibusiso Moyo, Zimbabwe's foreign affairs minister and a retired army general, denied allegations that soldiers were beating people, reported The Herald, a state-run newspaper.

"All what we are realizing is that there is a lot of misinformation that is coming out from social media," Moyo told ambassadors and others in Harare on Monday, according to the report.

He said the military is "a well-trained and very disciplined force" that at one point "took over the responsibility of policing," a reference to the military takeover in November that led to the resignation of 94-year-old Mugabe after 37 years in power.

Also Tuesday, 27 opposition activists who were arrested for allegedly inciting violence in Harare last week were released on bail.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has said Mnangagwa, who was a longtime enforcer for Mugabe, and the ruling party won the country's peaceful July 30 election. Mnangagwa has urged the opposition to join him in rebuilding the country's shattered economy, but the main opposition party alleges that the election results were rigged.

The opposition has seven days from the declaration of the election results to challenge them in court.