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Russian Americans Offer Mixed Views of Ukraine Conflict

FILE - A protester waves Russia's presidential flag during a demonstration outside Ukraine's consulate in New York May 8, 2014.
FILE - A protester waves Russia's presidential flag during a demonstration outside Ukraine's consulate in New York May 8, 2014.

While polls within Russia indicate overwhelming popular support for President Vladimir Putin's policies and actions in eastern Ukraine, the hundreds of thousands of Russian immigrants living in New York seem divided in their reactions.

Lev Borschevskiy, a veteran journalist and active member of the Russian American Community Coalition based in New York, called Putin’s Ukraine policies “morally indefensible.” Yet he recognized that there is passionate disagreement about it within his community.

He was shocked last week to witness an altercation in a Russian American nursing home. “One group was pro-Russian, [and the] other was pro-Ukrainian. That was a real fight!”

Borschevskiy said many Russian Americans who support Putin are older, non-English speakers who get their news and information almost exclusively from state-run Russian media via satellite and cable television. “These media use very advanced technology,” he said. “And I see how people are being manipulated.”

Lack of meaningful debate

Alec Brook-Krasny, who represents the Brighton Beach area of the city in the New York State Assembly, emigrated from Moscow in 1989. He condemned what he said was the lack of meaningful democratic debate in Russian society.

Alec Brook-Krasny, a New York State assemblyman in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, says that his Russian American constituents' opinions about developments in Ukraine often break down according to generational lines. (Adam Phillips/VOA)
Alec Brook-Krasny, a New York State assemblyman in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, says that his Russian American constituents' opinions about developments in Ukraine often break down according to generational lines. (Adam Phillips/VOA)

Brook-Krasny said opinions among his Russian American constituents tend to be diverse, often breaking down along generational lines.

“If we are talking about people who went to school here, [and] through college, they’d be a part of society where you can debate, where you [can] have different opinions. Those people are Americanized,” said Brook-Krasny.

He added that older people in Brighton Beach, many of whom grew up in the former Soviet Union, tend to say that a strong leader is the one who crushes the opposition.

'He is not a monarch'

Olga Zatsepina, president of the Russian American Cultural Heritage Center disagreed on the importance of Putin’s role in forming policy and influencing opinion.

“He is not a monarch, for God’s sake,” she said. “Russia is really a democracy today. So I wouldn’t talk about Putin. I’d talk about the position of the Russian government.”

In her opinion, the annexation of Crimea by Russia in March was entirely legitimate. “Crimea has been Russian land for centuries,” she said. “We all know that. And it is important that the people of Crimea express their wish to be with Russia.”

Zatsepina said there is no proof, as the U.S. and NATO assert, that Russian troops crossed the border into Crimea prior to that referendum or even that several battalions of Russian troops are stationed in eastern Ukraine now.

She also believed photos and videos that purport to show these things may be falsifications.

'Half war and half peace'

In either case, Zatsepina was glad the cease-fire agreement between Ukraine and Russian separatists has been adopted. “And I am absolutely sure that this conflict will pass as all conflicts do, and we hope that sooner rather than later we will work cooperatively again.”

Journalist Lev Borschevskiy was less optimistic. He believed the current cease-fire is extremely fragile.

“When thousands of troops are all the time at the border, that’s not a real cease-fire," he said. "That’s like when a revolver is at somebody’s head and you say ‘oh, let’s do a peace now.’ Now it is half war and half peace. This is dangerous.”

Last Friday, the United States and the European Union implemented tougher sanctions on Russia. Ukraine’s president, Petro Poroshenko, said the cease-fire pact between his government and Russian separatists appeared to be solidifying.

Meanwhile, Russian Americans, and the world, watch and wait.