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Italy Locks Down Entire Country to Contain Coronavirus


A Czech special police officer, with a protective mask, checks the temperature of a driver during sanitary checks at the border crossing between Germany and Czech Republic, in a measure to protect against the spread of the coronavirus, March 9, 2020.
A Czech special police officer, with a protective mask, checks the temperature of a driver during sanitary checks at the border crossing between Germany and Czech Republic, in a measure to protect against the spread of the coronavirus, March 9, 2020.

Italy's government has expanded travel restrictions to the entire country, locking down some 60 million people in an effort to contain the coronavirus.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said in a televised address Monday evening that the quarantine measures could be summarized by the phrase "I'm staying home."

The move expands Italy's travel restrictions from the north of the country where the outbreak first took hold. Only people with valid work or health reasons will be allowed to travel between regions in Italy or to other countries.

"Our habits need to change," Conte said. "They need to change now."

A lonely passenger leaves Milan main train station, Italy, March 9, 2020. Italy took a page from China's playbook Sunday, attempting to lock down 16 million people for nearly a month to halt the coronavirus.
A lonely passenger leaves Milan main train station, Italy, March 9, 2020. Italy took a page from China's playbook Sunday, attempting to lock down 16 million people for nearly a month to halt the coronavirus.

The changes go into effect Tuesday, and include a requirement that all restaurants and cafes close by dusk. The number of coronavirus cases in Italy rose Monday to 9,172, overtaking South Korea as the country with the most number of cases outside of China. The death toll from the virus in Italy increased to 463.

Earlier Monday, the leader of the World Health Organization said that the deadly coronavirus has gained a foothold in so many countries that "the threat of a pandemic has become very real."

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus speaks during a daily press briefing on COVID-19 virus at the WHO headquarters in Geneva, March 9, 2020.
World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus speaks during a daily press briefing on COVID-19 virus at the WHO headquarters in Geneva, March 9, 2020.

But WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus voiced optimism as well, saying it "would be the first pandemic in history that could be controlled." He concluded, "The bottom line is: We are not at the mercy of this virus."

But the impact from the coronavirus was unabated, and the WHO said that more than 100 countries are now reporting coronavirus cases. The total number of cases worldwide has surpased 114,000 while the death toll has topped 4,000.

Tedros said that with "decisive, early action," world leaders can slow the advance of the illness and prevent infections. He said that "among those who are infected, most will recover," noting that in China, where the disease was first reported, more than 70% of the 80,000 victims have recovered and been discharged from further treatment.

Also Monday, a cruise ship off the U.S. West Coast docked in the Californian city of Oakland Monday after some of the passengers on board tested positive for the virus.

Local and federal officials have developed a plan for handling the passengers and crew on the Grand Princess cruise ship, including moving the California residents to military facilities in the state to wait out a 14-day quarantine, while transporting residents of other states to bases in Texas or Georgia.

Two boats escort the Grand Princess cruise ship through San Francisco Bay, March 9, 2020.
Two boats escort the Grand Princess cruise ship through San Francisco Bay, March 9, 2020.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the State Department is working with the home countries of several hundred foreign passengers to arrange getting them home.

The cruise line said the crew will remain on the ship and depart after the passengers leave.

WATCH: Coronavirus in Europe

COVID-19 Slowing in China, But Soaring in Italy as Countries Enact Measures to Limit Virus Spread
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Numbers around the world

Across the globe, China reported its lowest number of new coronavirus cases. Chinese health officials said Monday there were 40 new cases, the lowest there since January just before the government put in place strict restrictions on travel and gatherings in a number of cities.

Germany reported its first two deaths from coronavirus, but Chancellor Angela Merkel warned against thinking that it is in vain to try to halt the spread of the virus.

"We are working for valuable time," she said, "time in which scientists can research medicines and a vaccine" and governments can stockpile protective gear.

French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron took a hand-in-hand walk down Paris's famed Champs-Elysees boulevard as a message of confidence, but kept a one-meter security distance from other people.

"I'm shaking hands using my heart," he said as he waved at people.

A medic treats a patient infected with the new coronavirus, at a hospital in Tehran, Iran, March 8, 2020.
A medic treats a patient infected with the new coronavirus, at a hospital in Tehran, Iran, March 8, 2020.

Iran said the coronavirus has killed another 43 people, bringing the death toll in the Islamic Republic to 237.

United States

In the United States, there have been 26 deaths from the virus and more than 600 cases reported.

With a confirmed coronavirus case in the area of Indian Wells in Southern California that hosts the BNP Paribas tennis tournament, officials announced the event will not be held. It was due to begin this week with a field including such stars as Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka.

Two members of Congress have also said they are self-quarantining after having contact at a recent conservative political conference with someone who has tested positive for the coronavirus.

U.S. President Donald Trump is denying his administration is giving the public mixed messages.

"We have a perfectly coordinated and fine- tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus. We moved VERY early to close borders to certain areas, which was a Godsend. V.P. is doing a great job. The Fake News Media is doing everything possible to make us look bad. Sad!" Trump wrote on Twitter.