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India Says Pakistan Has Reactivated Militant Camps

Indian Army Chief Gen. Bipin Rawat speaks to the media
Indian Army Chief Gen. Bipin Rawat speaks to the media

India's army chief says Pakistan has reactivated militant camps in Pakistan-held Kashmir and about 500 militants are waiting to infiltrate into India.

Bipin Rawat said Monday that the camps have been reactivated after India's air force destroyed them earlier this year.

Officials from Pakistan's foreign ministry denied the accusation.

On Feb. 26, India claimed it struck a militant camp in Balakot, Pakistan. It said the camp hosted members of a group responsible for a suicide bombing in Kashmir that killed 40 Indian paramilitary troops.

Pakistan denied the strike was carried out from its soil. It also said no such camps were hit or operated in the area.

In retaliation, Pakistan's air force shot down an Indian fighter jet and took an Indian pilot prisoner. He was later released.