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US Universities Brace for Big Decline in International Students

A passer-by skates past an entrance to the Tsai Performance Center on the campus of Boston University.
A passer-by skates past an entrance to the Tsai Performance Center on the campus of Boston University.

Universities preparing for big declines in international enrollment and revenues will be further depressed by a federal decision to strip students of their visa status if they do not attend college and university in person this fall.

“Active students currently in the United States enrolled in such programs must depart the country or take other measures, such as transferring to a school with in-person instruction, to remain in lawful status,” stated the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in a release Monday.

“If not, they may face immigration consequences including, but not limited to, the initiation of removal proceedings.”

“Today’s guidance ... is harmful to international students and puts their health and well-being and that of the entire higher education community at risk,” stated Esther Brimmer, executive director and CEO of NAFSA: Association of International Educators.

“The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States remains unpredictable, and institutions should be trusted and be given the authority to make decisions that are right for their campuses based on their local circumstances,” Brimmer said in a statement.

FILE - Graduating seniors of Brophy College Preparatory wait their turn to walk down the aisle to the stage individually during Diploma Days due to the coronavirus in Phoenix, Arizona, May 28, 2020.
FILE - Graduating seniors of Brophy College Preparatory wait their turn to walk down the aisle to the stage individually during Diploma Days due to the coronavirus in Phoenix, Arizona, May 28, 2020.

“This is terrifying,” tweeted Aaron Kirkpatrick from Northern Ireland, a Ph.D. candidate at Baylor University in Texas. “I couldn’t go home to renew the F1 because embassies are shut due to the pandemic. If I’m made to leave, I’ll likely not be allowed reentry again.”

In May, a report from the Institute of International Education (IIE) showed that 88% of nearly 600 respondent institutions anticipate international student enrollment decreasing in the 2020-2021 academic year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Seventy percent of those institutions said they anticipate that some international students will not return to their campus in person in fall 2020. Three-quarters are giving students the option to defer in-person enrollment to later in the fall or spring 2021.

And while many colleges and universities are scrambling to devise a strategy that will bring students back to school while keeping them safe and healthy, half indicated they plan to offer students online enrollment in the fall.

If ICE enforces their statement, those students will have to withdraw.

“The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will still provide flexibility to schools and nonimmigrant students,” the U.S Student and Exchange Program stated in a follow-up release from ICE. “But as many institutions across the country reopen, DHS must resume the carefully balanced protections implemented by federal regulations.”

Fear of COVID-19

The American Council on Education (ACE) estimates that enrollment will drop 15% for the next academic year, including a projected decline of 25% for international students.

FILE - A student takes classes online with his companions using the Zoom app at home.
FILE - A student takes classes online with his companions using the Zoom app at home.

Soo Hyun Kim, a South Korean international student at George Mason University, says he plans to take courses fully online from South Korea because there are still potential dangers of the coronavirus and because he feels he will not be able to experience U.S. life to the full extent.

“Some reasons as to why international students go to U.S. universities is because they want to experience American education, culture and social life,” he told VOA.

“My parents are afraid because the cases are still growing, but they understand that the college is making an effort to have a better and safe environment,” said Vitor Lacerda Siqueira, a Brazilian international student at Stetson University in Florida. The physics major said he plans to return to campus this fall.

“As I have laboratory classes and choir, the education I get from an online format is not the best I can have,” the incoming sophomore said. “Also, the bad connection I have at home makes it hard for me to access the content. I would prefer to request a leave of absence than having online classes again.”

Plummeting revenues

The anticipated decline in foreign students is also expected to have a huge financial toll on U.S. higher education.

International students comprise 5% of higher education enrollment in the United States, according to a study done by the Brookings Institution, and revenue from tuition and fees totals $2.5 billion. This price tag is so high for a few reasons: At U.S. public universities, international students pay nonresident tuition rates.

FILE - A sign on the empty campus of Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont, March 11, 2020.
FILE - A sign on the empty campus of Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont, March 11, 2020.

Additionally, those coming from outside of the U.S. for higher education opportunities receive less financial aid than domestic students.

A NAFSA survey indicated that the coronavirus may cost the United States $3 billion in fall 2020 because of declines in international student enrollment from COVID-19.

The decline, according to the ACE, is expected to be a revenue loss of $23 billion for institutions.

“COVID-19 puts higher-ed finances at risk. For some universities, revenue shortfalls are going to be a pain. For other universities, the shortfall may be a disaster,” wrote Dick Startz, professor of economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara in an analysis report on Brookings’ Brown Center Chalkboard.

“First, nearly every school is at least at some risk of significant financial losses. Second, the risks are incredibly different at different schools. Many schools face difficulties. If things turn out really bad, some schools face closures.”

Visa restrictions

Education experts say recent H1-B visa restrictions will also deter more foreign students from seeking an international education in the United States, and international students have been a revenue stream for many colleges and universities.

H1-B, J and other temporary work visas were suspended until the end of this year by the Trump administration. More than 188,000 H1-B visas and over 350,000 J-1 visas were issued in the United States for fiscal year 2019.

While the halt impacts new applicants and not existing visa holders, the combination of the latest policy issued by ICE for the fall semester and the earlier H1-B edict will decrease attendance by foreign students drastically.

Visa restrictions have also been placed on Chinese students who use the Optional Practical Training program, which allows international students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields the opportunity to “work for a U.S. employer” for three years, and for students in non-STEM fields, one year, while “staying on their student visas.”

Participation in OPT has surged in recent years, as in 2017, when “a record 276,500 foreign graduates received work permits under the OPT program, up from 257,100 in 2016,” according to the Pew Research Center.

International universities see declines

Universities outside of the United States are also expected to see massive monetary losses because of decreases in international students trying to avoid travel and COVID-19.

FILE - University student Piera Gerry is back home with her parents where she continues her studies online after schools closed due to the coronavirus outbreak, in Berkhamsted, England, April 5, 2020.
FILE - University student Piera Gerry is back home with her parents where she continues her studies online after schools closed due to the coronavirus outbreak, in Berkhamsted, England, April 5, 2020.

London Economics released a report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on university finances in April and stated that Britain would see a reduction of approximately 14,000 students for the upcoming academic year.

Canada, which has been more attractive to some international students than the U.S. because of its easier immigration pathway, is also expecting the number of international students to decline because of the pandemic.

The Royal Bank of Canada reported in a study last month that new international student permits dropped by 45% this March and stated travel restrictions and visa-processing delays would likely slow international student arrivals in the future.

A report from the Australian Population Research Institute said thousands of student visa holders are likely to defer or delay their studies in Australia, limiting overseas student revenue for Australian universities.

The international education sector contributed $39 billion to the Australian economy in 2019, according to Universities Australia, a higher education advocacy group.

The continual growth of international students studying in the United States contributed $41 billion and supported 458,290 jobs to the U.S. economy during the 2018-2019 academic year, according to NAFSA.

The United States hit an all-time high of 1,095,299 international students, mostly from China, in 2019, according to the Institute of International Education. But the rate of growth showed flattening for two years prior.

"With a global competition for talent, we must ensure that students feel safe and can attain the best education and experience possible here in the United States. Unfortunately, this administration continues to enact policies which only increase the barriers to studying here, and that’s a serious concern,” Brimmer of NAFSA stated.

“At a time when new international student enrollment is in decline, our nation risks losing global talent with new policies that hurt us academically and economically.”

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International students discuss US campus culture shock

FILE - People take photographs near a John Harvard statue, Jan. 2, 2024, on the campus of Harvard University, in Cambridge, Mass.
FILE - People take photographs near a John Harvard statue, Jan. 2, 2024, on the campus of Harvard University, in Cambridge, Mass.

International students at De Anza College in Cupertino, California, talked about culture shock in an article in La Voz News, the student newspaper.

"It felt like a major culture shock. Everything was so different, from academics to mannerism," said a student from Mexico.

Read the full story here.

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FILE - Students relax on the front steps of Low Memorial Library on the Columbia University campus in New York City on Feb. 10, 2023.
FILE - Students relax on the front steps of Low Memorial Library on the Columbia University campus in New York City on Feb. 10, 2023.

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FILE - U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks with students as he attends an English Language Learning Event at Uzbekistan State World Languages University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Wednesday, March 1, 2023.
FILE - U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks with students as he attends an English Language Learning Event at Uzbekistan State World Languages University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Wednesday, March 1, 2023.

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Reports of visa checks, deportations worry Chinese STEM students in US

FILE - Visitors to the U.S. consular service line up outside the U.S. embassy in Beijing, Aug. 1, 2022. The Chinese government has protested to the United States over the treatment of Chinese arriving to study in America.
FILE - Visitors to the U.S. consular service line up outside the U.S. embassy in Beijing, Aug. 1, 2022. The Chinese government has protested to the United States over the treatment of Chinese arriving to study in America.

Geopolitical tensions and growing competition in tech between the United States and China appear to be spilling over into academia despite commitments from the world’s two biggest economies to boost people-to-people exchanges.

The United States remains the top choice for Chinese students seeking to study abroad with nearly 300,000 studying in American colleges and universities during the 2022-2023 school year. But reports of some cases that students and professors are facing extra scrutiny while passing through immigration and the deportation of others are raising concerns.

For Chen Xiaojin, a doctoral student studying semiconductor materials at a university in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, it has been six years since she returned to her hometown of Beijing.

At first, it was the COVID-19 pandemic that kept her from going home. But over the past two years, she has been deterred by accounts of Chinese students majoring in science and engineering being required to reapply for their visas upon returning to China.

She also says she is worried by reports over the past six months of Chinese students being deported, even at nearby Dulles Airport.

"My current research is relatively sensitive, and my boss [adviser] is getting funds from the U.S. Department of Defense, making it even more sensitive,” she told VOA. "I am afraid that I won't be able to return after I go back [to China]."

Chen says that if she did return to China, she would have to apply for a new visa.

In a report late last month, Bloomberg said it had found at least 20 Chinese students and scholars with valid visas who were deported at U.S. Customs since November and barred from reentry. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency does not release relevant data.

Immigration attorney Dan Berger represented one Chinese student who was deported late last year. He tells VOA Mandarin that the student studied biological sciences at Yale University and was about to complete her doctorate.

She visited her family in China and got a new visa but was deported by customs at Dulles Airport and barred from reentering the country for five years. Berger said he did not see anything suspicious in the transcript of the conversation between the student and the customs officer.

"We have seen what seems like a pattern over the last six months of Chinese PhD students being turned around…. more than I've seen in quite a while," he said.

Matthew Brazil, a fellow at the Jamestown Foundation, said neither country seems willing to explain the situation. However, he believes that in most cases, the United States must have valid reasons for blocking visa holders from entering the country.

In some cases, the student’s background may not match what is written on the visa application. In other cases, customs agents may also find something that the State Department missed, and once they see it, they are responsible for taking action.

"I wish the Chinese side would be specific about their students who were refused entry,” he said. “The fact that both sides are mum on details and that the Chinese side is engaged with the usual angry rhetoric means that each has security concerns. And that says to me that there was good reason for the U.S. to stop these particular applicants."

FILE - Chinese students wait outside the U.S. Embassy for their visa application interviews on May 2, 2012, in Beijing. The Chinese government has protested to the United States over the treatment of Chinese arriving to study in America.
FILE - Chinese students wait outside the U.S. Embassy for their visa application interviews on May 2, 2012, in Beijing. The Chinese government has protested to the United States over the treatment of Chinese arriving to study in America.

Brazil also sees a connection between the entry denials and export control regulations issued by the United States in October 2022 that restrict China's ability to obtain advanced computing chips, develop and maintain supercomputers, and manufacture advanced semiconductors.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is one of the law enforcement agencies authorized to investigate violations of export control regulations, he said.

"Beijing's intelligence agencies are known to focus attention on PRC [People's Republic of China] students and scientists headed abroad who study or work on dual-use technologies controlled under the Export Administration Act — compelling Chinese students and scientists to report on what they've learned when they return to China on holiday,” he said. “This has been true for decades."

Bill Drexel, a fellow for the Technology and National Security Program at the Center for a New American Security, said the U.S. government did find some cases where students tried to steal strategic technology for China.

"I think it would both not be surprising that they found some really questionable or incriminating evidence for some students,” he said. “It would also not be surprising if, in their hunt for really solid evidence, they also may have made some mistakes on other students.”

Drexel adds that “it’s just kind of an unfortunate fact of the time that we live in and the tactics that the CCP uses when it comes to these measures."

In a post on X in early May, U.S. ambassador to China Nicholas Burns tried to dispel concerns about visas and entry to the United States for students and scholars. In the post, he said "99.9% of Chinese students holding visas encounter no issues upon entering the United States.”

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal Monday, Burns said it is China that is making it impossible to promote people-to-people ties. Burns told the Journal that students attending events sponsored by the United States in China have been interrogated and intimidated.

He also said that since U.S. President Joe Biden and China’s leader Xi Jinping held their summit in San Francisco last year, China’s Ministry of State Security and other agencies had interfered with Chinese citizens’ participation at some 61 events.

At a regular briefing on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning dismissed those accusations, saying that they did not “reflect reality" and that went against key understandings reached by both countries’ presidents in San Francisco.

“The United States, under the pretext of 'national security,' unjustifiably harasses, interrogates, and deports Chinese students in the U.S., causing them significant harm and creating a severe chilling effect,” Mao said. “The image of the United States in the minds of the Chinese people fundamentally depends on the actions of the United States itself.”

Drexel said he believes Burns’ comments about visas and students' willingness to study in the U.S. still ring true.

“On balance, it's still the case that American universities are overwhelmingly warm towards Chinese students and want them in large numbers," he said.

However, Berger, the immigration lawyer, is concerned about the chilling effect recent cases involving Chinese students could have.

"In general, we are being more careful about advising Chinese graduate students in STEM fields about traveling and letting them know that there is some small risk,” he said.

Even though the risk is small, it does seem to be real at the moment, he said.

Adrianna Zhang contributed to this report.

US federal judge blocks new regulation targeting for-profit colleges

FILE - Flags decorate a space outside the office of the education secretary at the Education Department, Aug. 9, 2017, in Washington.
FILE - Flags decorate a space outside the office of the education secretary at the Education Department, Aug. 9, 2017, in Washington.

A federal judge in Texas has blocked a regulatory provision targeting for-profit colleges that was scheduled to take effect in July 2024.

Times Higher Education reports that the rule, which would affect student loans, was challenged by for-profit institutions. (June 2024)

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