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Tesla Cars Can Now Recharge Coast-To-Coast

Tesla, the U.S. manufacturer of fully electric-powered cars, says it has completed the first line of battery-charging stations from coast to coast, across the United States.

Tesla owners can now drive from the Pacific to the Atlantic coast without fear of running out of power. They can recharge their battery at one of the 71 Supercharger stations along well-traveled highways.

The line of Supercharger stations begins in California, runs through Arizona, Colorado and South Dakota, goes through Chicago and ends in New York City.

The company plans to complete at least 70 more this year. There are 14 charging stations in Europe, mostly in Germany and Norway.

Topping off a battery takes 75 minutes, while an 80 percent charge takes only 40 minutes. Tesla says all the stations are conveniently located close to diners, cafes and shopping centers.

Tesla's two models run on lithium-ion batteries with estimated fuel economy equivalent to 89 miles per gallon or 2.64 liters per 100 kilometers. Depending on the model, the average range with fully charged battery is up to 480 kilometers.