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Thousands Mourn Creator of Venezuelan Youth Orchestras

미국 미네소타주 미니애타주 미니애폴리스에서 흑인 남성 조지 플로이드 살인 혐의로 경찰관 데릭 쇼빈이 재판을 받고 있는 가운데 인권 운동가 제시 잭슨 목사가 공정한 재판을 요구하고 있다.
미국 미네소타주 미니애타주 미니애폴리스에서 흑인 남성 조지 플로이드 살인 혐의로 경찰관 데릭 쇼빈이 재판을 받고 있는 가운데 인권 운동가 제시 잭슨 목사가 공정한 재판을 요구하고 있다.

Thousands of Venezuelans have paid homage to Jose Antonio Abreu, parading past the coffin of the economist turned visionary musical educator who created a network of youth orchestras that has been replicated around the world.

His coffin was delivered with military honors Sunday morning to the headquarters of the program, where the concert hall was converted into a chapel. Students of varying ages took turns playing pieces by Bach, Beethoven and other composers.

The death of the 78-year-old Abreu was announced Saturday by his family. No cause was given, but he had been known to be battling several illnesses since he retired a few years ago from running the musical education program known as El Sistema.