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‘Stop It’ Trump Tells Those Intimidating Minorities in His Name

FILE - Then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump poses for a portrait after an interview in Sterling, Virginia, Dec. 2, 2015.
FILE - Then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump poses for a portrait after an interview in Sterling, Virginia, Dec. 2, 2015.

President-elect Donald Trump has two words for those assaulting minorities with cries of "White Power" - "Stop it."

Trump held his first television interview since winning the contentious and sometimes mean-spirited presidential election last week. He spoke Friday to CBS television's 60 Minutes which broadcast the interview Sunday night.

Some Trump supporters have felt emboldened by his tough campaign rhetoric aimed at Muslims and Mexicans.

He said he knew nothing about the assaults against minorities since his election and said he "hates to hear that," telling the perpetrators of violence "don't do it."

To the thousands of anti-Trump protesters, including those outside his New York City home and office tower, Trump said the demonstrators don't know him. He said he would tell them not to be afraid and that a newly-elected leader has to be given a little time.

The tough-talking and sometimes temperamental Trump that millions saw during the campaign appeared to be genuinely humbled by the huge responsibility staring at him.

Anti-Trump protesters march between Columbus Circle and Trump Tower in New York City, Nov. 13, 2016 (B. Leverone/VOA). Trump says demonstrators don't know him and asks then to give him more time.
Anti-Trump protesters march between Columbus Circle and Trump Tower in New York City, Nov. 13, 2016 (B. Leverone/VOA). Trump says demonstrators don't know him and asks then to give him more time.

‘Not a wild man’

He said winning the election was "enormous" and that it took his breath away. He referred to himself as a "very sober person" and "not a wild man," and that he is not scared about the job he is facing.

Trump said he cannot regret some of the vicious comments he made about his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, but said he wishes the campaign was softer and nicer and more about policy.

He called Clinton "very strong and smart." But after threatening her with jail and leading chants of "lock her up" during the race, Trump now says he has to think about whether to ask a special prosecutor to investigate her handling of emails as secretary of state. He said he does not want to hurt the Clintons.

When asked about his meeting with President Barack Obama, Trump said his election is not a repudiation of the Obama presidency, but more of a feeling by voters that all politicians have let them down.

He said he and the Republican leadership talked about three issues they want to tackle right away - health care, immigration, and taxes.

While he promised to appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court, he declined to say outright if he would like to see Roe vs. Wade - the 1973 ruling legalizing abortion - overturned.

FILE - Then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (L) looks on as one of his supporter reaches for a sign that reads "Islamophobia is not the answer," at a rally in Oklahoma City, Feb. 26, 2016. On Sunday he called on those intimidating minorities in his name to "Stop it."
FILE - Then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (L) looks on as one of his supporter reaches for a sign that reads "Islamophobia is not the answer," at a rally in Oklahoma City, Feb. 26, 2016. On Sunday he called on those intimidating minorities in his name to "Stop it."

Marriage equality is ‘law’

But he called marriage equality "the law, it's done" and said it is irrelevant if he personally supports or opposes gay marriage.

Trump refused to say how he plans to destroy Islamic State, another one of his major campaign pledges. He said the generals have not done their job.

Trump is a billionaire real-estate developer whose name appears on a number of enterprises, inclining resorts and clothing.

He said he will refuse to accept a salary as president, but will take $1 a year as a token payment.