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Trump Unhappy with Border Barrier Deal Lawmakers Crafted


President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting at the White House, Feb. 12, 2019, in Washington.
President Donald Trump speaks during a cabinet meeting at the White House, Feb. 12, 2019, in Washington.

U.S. President Donald Trump said Tuesday he is not pleased with the agreement lawmakers reached for limited new barrier construction along the U.S.-Mexican border, but that he does not foresee another partial government shutdown over the dispute.

"I can't say I'm happy. I can't say I'm thrilled," Trump told a Cabinet meeting at the White House. "It's not doing the trick."

Yet the U.S. leader suggested he would sign legislation that includes $1.375 billion to build 88 kilometers of new fencing at the border, about a quarter of the $5.7 billion he wanted for a wall.

The move would avert another partial government shutdown three weeks after a record 35-day closure was ended last month. Funding for about a quarter of government operations runs out again at Friday midnight, including for the Homeland Security agency that patrols the border.

Border Patrol agent Vincent Pirro looks at a border wall that separates the cities of Tijuana, Mexico, and San Diego, Feb. 5, 2019, in San Diego.
Border Patrol agent Vincent Pirro looks at a border wall that separates the cities of Tijuana, Mexico, and San Diego, Feb. 5, 2019, in San Diego.

"I don't see you're going to see a shutdown," Trump said. "I don't think it's going to happen. We don't want to see a shutdown."

He signaled that he is looking for other government funds to expand wall construction without congressional authorization, a tactic that would draw legal challenges from opposition Democrats.

WATCH: Trump still pushing for border wall

Trumps Insists Wall Will Be Built Regardless of Budget Deal
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​"We're doing a lot of wall right now," he said, referring to barriers under repair or being built. Trump said he is reviewing the deal the bipartisan panel of lawmakers reached late Monday before taking further action.

In a tweet late Tuesday, he thanked "all Republicans for the work you have done in dealing with the Radical Left on Border Security."

The House of Representatives and Senate have not yet voted on the package that would clear the way for building the new barriers in the Rio Grande Valley in southern Texas as well as add technology upgrades for screening at border entry points, more customs officers and humanitarian aid.

President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at El Paso County Coliseum in El Paso, Texas, Feb. 11, 2019.
President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at El Paso County Coliseum in El Paso, Texas, Feb. 11, 2019.

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer told the Senate, "I strongly urge the president to sign this agreement. No one gets everything they want in these agreements. But the president must sign it and not, not, not cause another shutdown."

Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer of N.Y., center, and Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., center left, leave a new conference after House and Senate negotiators worked out a border security compromise hoping to avoid another government shutdown on Capitol Hill, Feb. 12, 2019, in Washington.
Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer of N.Y., center, and Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., center left, leave a new conference after House and Senate negotiators worked out a border security compromise hoping to avoid another government shutdown on Capitol Hill, Feb. 12, 2019, in Washington.

Senator Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican majority leader, said he was still reviewing the details of the agreement, but said he hoped the Senate would soon vote on it.

One Trump supporter, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, said he did not see how Trump could support the compromise because it would cut thousands of beds available for undocumented immigrants at detention centers. "I don't see how that's a good deal," Graham said.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., arrives at the Capitol on the morning after House and Senate negotiators worked out a border security compromise, in Washington, Feb. 12, 2019.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., arrives at the Capitol on the morning after House and Senate negotiators worked out a border security compromise, in Washington, Feb. 12, 2019.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, told VOA "the broad parameters (of the agreement) look like something Republicans and Democrats should be able to live with."

But another Democrat, Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, warned that if Trump signs the legislation and then attempts to divert other funding to build the wall "that would be a gross abuse of the process and very possibly unlawful."

One Trump political supporter, conservative television commentator Sean Hannity, called the deal a "garbage compromise." Congressman Mark Meadows of North Carolina, another wall advocate, said the agreement "is hardly a serious attempt to secure our border or stop the flow of illegal immigration. It kicks the can down the road yet again, failing to address the critical priorities outlined by Border Patrol Chiefs. Congress is not doing its job."

White House officials in recent days had suggested Trump could sign a congressional compromise and then tap other government funding to build the wall without congressional authorization. He also could declare a national emergency to construct the wall.

For several months,Trump has demanded $5.7 billion for a border wall, his most popular campaign pledge during his successful 2016 run for the White House. Democrats labeled the proposal as wasteful and ineffective and said they would only approve border security measures without any money for a wall.