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US Apologizes to Peru Over Leaked Cables

A top U.S. diplomat says Washington has apologized to Peru over the content of leaked diplomatic cables about the country.

The assistant U.S. secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, Arturo Valenzuela, tells Peru's RPP radio that the State Department has spoken to Peruvian officials about the matter. He said the State Department is looking at how to "turn the page" on the incident so it does not affect bilateral relations.

WikiLeaks published the cables. One cable said that President Alan Garcia had a "colossal ego," while making references about his health and personal life. Another talked about alleged military involvement in drug corruption.

WikiLeaks has posted more than a quarter-million sensitive U.S. diplomatic cables, angering the United States. The website has not identified the source of the documents.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the disclosures are an attack on American foreign policy interests and the international community. She also says the releases put lives in danger, threaten national security and undermine American efforts to work with other countries to solve shared problems.

Some information for this report provided by AP.