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US-Mexico Border Arrests Fall in January, 2nd Straight Drop

FILE - This Jan. 14, 2019, photo released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection shows some of the 376 Central Americans the Border Patrol says it arrested, the vast majority of them families who dug holes to cross into the United States, about 10 miles east of San Luis, Ariz.
FILE - This Jan. 14, 2019, photo released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection shows some of the 376 Central Americans the Border Patrol says it arrested, the vast majority of them families who dug holes to cross into the United States, about 10 miles east of San Luis, Ariz.

The number of people arrested or stopped for immigration violations at the U.S. border with Mexico eased in January. It's a relatively small decline in line with seasonal trends.

Customs and Border Protection says it made 58,207 arrests or denials of entry. That's a 4 percent drop from December but a 62 percent increase from January 2018. It's the second straight month-to-month decline.

Families and children traveling alone accounted for about 6 of every 10 stopped, mostly from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. That's a dramatic change from several years ago when most people who crossed illegally into the U.S. were single Mexican adults.

Officials say there have been 60 groups of larger than 100 people crossing illegally since Oct. 1.