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US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Calls on Israel to Hold New Elections

US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Calls on Israel to Hold New Elections
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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is calling on Israel to hold new elections and for Israel must make "significant course corrections" to achieve lasting peace with the Palestinians, criticizing the actions of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. International Edition host Steve Miller speaks with Jeremy Pressman, political science professor and director of Middle East Studies at the University of Connecticut about the remarks, possible implications for US-Israeli ties, and the war. Turkey's defense industry claims to have entered the exclusive club of stealth jet manufacturers with last month's first flight of its Kaan fighter jet. But analysts say the stealth jet is yet to prove itself. U.S. military officials are keeping a close eye on Haiti, where incidents of violence continue despite efforts to establish a transitional government.