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US Steps Up Anti-Iran Campaign Ahead of UN General Assembly

Israel reveals what it says was an Iranian nuclear weapons development site in the central region of Abadeh in these images published online by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office, Sept. 9, 2019.
Israel reveals what it says was an Iranian nuclear weapons development site in the central region of Abadeh in these images published online by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office, Sept. 9, 2019.

President Donald Trump's administration is stepping up its campaign to get other nations to boost pressure on Iran as world leaders prepare to meet at the United Nations this month.

The administration says the world should take note of and act on admitted Iranian noncompliance with the 2015 nuclear deal and new questions about Iran's activities raised by the U.N. atomic watchdog. The U.S. has been ratcheting up its own sanctions on Iran since Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal last year.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (pahm-PAY'-oh) said Tuesday that Iran is trying to deceive the world by refusing to fully cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency. The agency's head said Monday he'd stressed the importance of ``full'' cooperation with it.

Iran says it has begun using advanced centrifuges in violation of the 2015 nuclear deal.