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Vatican Funeral for Cardinal Who Decried Francis' Rule

Pope Francis leaves after the funeral ceremony for Australian Cardinal George Pell in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Jan. 14, 2023. Cardinal Pell died Jan. 10, 2023, at a Rome hospital of heart complications following hip surgery. He was 81.
Pope Francis leaves after the funeral ceremony for Australian Cardinal George Pell in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Jan. 14, 2023. Cardinal Pell died Jan. 10, 2023, at a Rome hospital of heart complications following hip surgery. He was 81.

The Australian cardinal who decried the papacy of Pope Francis as a "catastrophe" was given a funeral Saturday and hailed by some fellow churchmen at St. Peter's Basilica, with the pontiff imparting a final blessing for the once high-ranking Vatican prelate.

Cardinal George Pell, 81, died on Tuesday, shortly after undergoing hip surgery in a Rome hospital. As the Vatican's finance minister for three years, Pell had been a key player in the early years of Francis' papacy, whose goals included reforming the Holy See's finances, which had a long history of scandals and poor management.

Pell later returned to his native Australia to be tried on child sex abuse charges over allegations that he molested two choirboys while he was archbishop of Melbourne. He served more than a year in solitary confinement in prison before an earlier court conviction was overturned in 2020.

Pell steadfastly proclaimed his innocence.

As is customary for funerals of cardinals, a final blessing delivered in Latin in the form of a prayer for mercy and eternal rest was recited by Francis, who, in a wheelchair, passed by Pell's plain wooden coffin.

Cardinals and bishops pray during the funeral ceremony of Australian Cardinal George Pell in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Jan. 14, 2023.
Cardinals and bishops pray during the funeral ceremony of Australian Cardinal George Pell in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Jan. 14, 2023.

The funeral Mass itself was celebrated by an Italian cardinal, Giovanni Battista Re, in his role as Dean of the College of Cardinals.

Re praised Pell as a "man of God and man of the Church,'' who was distinguished for "a deep faith and great solidity of doctrine, which he always defended without wavering and with courage."

"As he noted many times, he was pained by the weakening of faith in the Western world and the moral crisis of the family,” Re said in his homily.

Re noted how nine days earlier, Pell, "apparently in good health," had concelebrated, in St. Peter's Square, the funeral Mass for Francis' predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, who died after nearly a decade in retirement on December 31.

Right after Pell's death, it was revealed that the Australian churchman had authored the memo that had been circulating for many months in church circles. In the memo, Pell had lamented the current papacy as a "disaster" and a "catastrophe."

Separately, the day after Pell died, a conservative magazine published what it said was an article by the cardinal decrying as a "toxic nightmare" Francis' determination to sound out Catholic laity on such issues as church teaching on sexuality and the role of women. Those issues will likely spark sharp debate later this year in a meeting of bishops from around the world summoned by Francis to the Vatican.

The day after Pell died, Francis in a condolence telegram paid tribute to the cardinal, saying that while the prelate led the economy office, "he laid the bases with determination and wisdom" for reforms of the Holy See's finance system, which had been taken to task for years by international financial watchdog bodies.

In the homily, Cardinal Re lamented that Pell's final years had been "marked by an unjust and painful conviction."

"It was an experience of great suffering sustained with faith in the judgment of God," Re said.

The cardinal cited the diaries Pell wrote while in prison "with the aim of making known how much faith and prayer help in the difficult moments of life and (how they can) also be a support to who must unjustly suffer."

Among the concelebrants at the altar on Saturday was another high-profile Vatican prelate who in recent days had blasted Francis' leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. German Archbishop Georg Gaenswein — like Pell a staunch advocate of the church hierarchy's more conservative faction and a longtime aide of Pope Benedict XVI — bitterly complained about how he was treated by Francis after Benedict retired in 2013 and Francis was elected as pontiff.

Gaenswein unleashed a torrent of criticism of Francis in interviews hours after Benedict's death and in a book published days later.