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Western Officials: Iranian-Made Rockets Seized From Taliban in Afghanistan

Western officials said Wednesday that NATO forces in Afghanistan seized powerful Iranian-made rockets from the Taliban last month.

The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity, and cited an incident that took place February 5 near the border with Iran and Pakistan.

They said NATO troops that day encountered a Taliban convoy in southern Nimruz province and discovered about 50 122-millimeter Iranian-made rockets.

The officials said the rockets have a range of about 20 kilometers. One diplomat tells Britain's Guardian newspaper that is double the range of the Taliban's usual weapons.

Iran's interior minister denied the allegations Wednesday,

Mostafa Naijar accused the Western officials of lying and of trying to divide Muslim nations.

Naijar was in Kabul to discuss security issues with Afghan government officials.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.

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