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US Airstrike Killed Telecom Employee in Somalia, Company Says

Jilib, Somalia (Google Maps)
Jilib, Somalia (Google Maps)

Somalia’s biggest telecommunications company says one of its employees was killed a U.S. airstrike Monday near the al-Shabab-held town of Jilib, Middle Jubba region.

Spokesperson for the company Adnan Haji Ali said the head of the company’s office in Jilib was killed on his farm.

The company identified the man as Mohamud Haji Salad, the Manager of Hormud telecommunications branch in Jilib town.

“We confirm that this man was our employee,” says Ali. “He had nothing to do with any group or organization.”

The United States reported on Monday that, in coordination with the Somali government, it has conducted an airstrike in the vicinity of Jilib town killing one al-Shabab member.

“We currently assess no civilians were injured or killed as a result of this airstrike,” the statement read.

However, Hormud says the person killed in the airstrike was a civilian who has been working for the company since 2002.

Ali said the victim left Mogadishu on Saturday and reached Jilib town the following day. He said he visited his farm near Jilib town when the airstrike hit.

The company has contacted the Somali government ‪on Monday evening‬ and asked for investigation into the matter.

A spokesman for AFRICOM says “We will look into the matter.”

“The command will review any information it has about the incident, including any relevant information provided by third parties,” said the Spokesman. “We comply with the laws of armed conflict and take feasible precautions during the targeting process to strike only legitimate targets tied to al-Shabab.”