India Plane Crash

Indian firemen working at the plane crash site of an Air India Express jet that crashed into a forested gorge with the loss of 158 lives in Mangalore, 24 May 2010

Officials of Air India and the Airports Authority of India work at the plane crash site of the Air India Express Boeing 737-800 and searching for the "black box" data recorder in Mangalore, 24 May 2010

A Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) official (C) holds up an aircraft part which officials claim is the "black box" of the doomed Air India Express flight 812, discovered at the crash site in Mangalore on May 25, 2010. Investigators recovered May

Indian laborers work at the plane crash site of the Air India Express Boeing 737-800 in Mangalore on 24 May 2010

Father of Tejal Kamolkar, a member of the cabin crew of the crashed Air India Express plane, reacts during her daughter's cremation on the outskirts Mumbai, 23 May 2010