Operation Damayan
U.S. Marines help load relief supplies onto an MH-60R Seahawk to be airlifted to remote areas of the Philippines in support of Operation Damayan. (U.S. Navy)
Philippine citizens board an HC-130 Hercules to be airlifted to safety. (U.S. Navy)
Philippine citizens board an HC-130 Hercules as U.S. sailors transport relief supplies in support of Operation Damayan. (U.S. Navy)
U.S. military personnel and and Philippine civilians unload relief supplies. (U.S. Navy)
U.S. military personnel and Philippine citizens unload relief supplies. (U.S. Navy)
A U.S. Hospital Corpsman assists Philippine nurses in treating a patient's head wound at the Immaculate Conception School refugee camp. (U.S. Navy)
An HC-130 Hercules and other military aircraft sit on the tarmac at Guiuan airport waiting to airlift Philippine citizens in support of Operation Damayan. (U.S. Navy)
A U.S. Naval Air Crewman assists Philippine citizens in distributing relief supplies in support of Operation Damayan. (U.S. Navy)
Philippine citizens gather around a MH-60S Seahawk as it delivers relief supplies. (U.S. Navy)