Syrian Refugees Face More Misery in Lebanon Winter

Ahmed Mohammed with his son. Ahmed runs a small shoe shop within the Hoshal al-Oumara camp, which is home to around 400 refugees. (John Owens/VOA News)

Unicef estimates it has reached around 200,000 refugees with ‘winterisation’ packs’ for children, which include much-needed clothing. (John Owens//VOA News)

Doctors check the health of a Syrian child at a clinic set up at a refugee camp. Among the most common problems are respiratory diseases such as bronchitis. (John Owens/VOA News)

Based near Bekaa’s biggest city of Zahle in Qobelias, this camp is home to 120 refugees. (John Owens/VOA News)

Children sweep snow from the roof of their shelter. Few of the tents are new and run the risk of collapsing under the strain of the weather. (John Owens/VOA News)

With the cold weather exacerbating already poor conditions within the camp, older refugees are particularly vulnerable. (John Owens/VOA News)

Brazilian Navy Academy students sit on a boat's mast during a ceremony marking the arrival of the Olympic flame at their Academy in Rio de Janeiro ahead of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

A small team of doctors was tasked with visiting those refugees most in need, and brought with them not just medicine but biscuits, too - in the fight against illness, good nutrition is crucial. (John Owens/VOA News)

Fatmi Zakour must care for her three children, two of whom are disabled, alone after her husband was killed in the Syrian war. (John Owens/VOA News)

The sun sets on the Hoshal al-Oumara refugee camp. (John Owens/VOA News)