In Greece, the quality of facilities varies between one refugee camp and another, leading to calls to move refugees from substandard camps into better ones. (J. Owens for VOA)
A meal is prepared in Schisto camp. In northern Greece, thousands of refugees live in tents in warehouses, prompting space fears over increasing use of fires over the winter in a confined space. (J. Owens for VOA)
The UN agency responsible for refugees - named the UNHCR - is leading winterization efforts, but a spokesman admits progress has been slow. (J. Owens for VOA)
Two youngsters in a tent in Schisto camp. It is expected that the tents in this camp will be replaced by containers in the coming weeks. (J. Owens for VOA)
The Sedarat family make their tent as homely as possible, but water gets in when it rains, soaking blankets. (J. Owens for VOA)
It is thought that around 10,000 refugees and migrants remain in tents across Greece, excluding those in warehouses. (J. Owens for VOA)
Azizola Separate, an Afghan who is in Greece with his wife and four children. (J. Owens for VOA)
A child walks through Schisto camp, one of around 50 refugee camps scattered around Greece. (J. Owens for VOA)
Graffiti outside Schisto camp. (J. Owens for VOA)
A father and daughter wait for a bus outside Schisto camp, which is a few miles from central Athens. Some other camps are far more isolated. (J. Owens for VOA)
The entrance to Schisto camp, which is outside central Athens and near the port of Pireaus. (J. Owens for VOA)
Children peer out from behind the fence at Schisto camp. Refugees are free to come and go as they like at the camp, but many feel trapped by the slow, uncertain process of relocating to elsewhere in Europe, or seeking asylum in Greece. (J. Owens for VOA)