Cloud Dancers

((Banner: The Laptop as Stage))
((Reporter/Producer: Faiza Elmasry))
((Camera: Diane Coburn Burning))
((Editor: Lisa Vohra))
((Map: Washington DC))
((Main characters: 1 female))
((Courtesy: Chamber Dance Project))
((Diane Coburn Burning, Chamber Dance Project))
And I will keep admitting everybody as we go as well, being mute
enough. So, I’ll face you, we start and.....ribs, elbow, ta ra ta ta,
knee knee.
((Diane Coburn Burning, Chamber Dance Project))
I’m Diane Coburn Burning, Founder and Artistic Director of
Chamber Dance Project.
((NATS: Diane Coburn Burning))
((Diane Coburn Burning, Chamber Dance Project))
Chamber Dance Project is a contemporary ballet company based
in Washington DC and we work entirely with live music. We’re
usually on the stage but of late, we’re also online virtually a lot.
((NATS: Diane Coburn Burning))
I’d just like to thank all the dancers for being willing to do this.
Alright, Troy, whenever they’re ready.
((Diane Coburn Burning, Chamber Dance Project))
I think it was Winston Churchill that said, “Don’t waste a good
crisis.” And we’ve been going forward boldly and positively. We
have something that is our mantra, ‘there will be a beyond.’ But in
the meantime, let’s see what we can do now. Let’s not put off.
And so, we’ve embraced this. And I think to our credit, people
have embraced us doing this and that makes all the difference.
((MUSIC/NATS: Dancing))
((Diane Coburn Burning, Chamber Dance Project))
I must say the dancers have been energized and excited by
working in this new medium
((Courtesy: Chamber Dance Project))
((Diane Coburn Burning, Chamber Dance Project))
of little squares, on a screen. And, if I sound a bit surprised, I am.
And as one dancer said, “Diane, I’m not so sure, two months ago
or three months ago, we would have been all so also open for
it.” But I think it’s the chance to create, to move, even though in
their household spaces.
((Courtesy: Chamber Dance Project))
((Diane Coburn Burning, Chamber Dance Project))
And also be together. If that sounds strange, I’m sure it is to
them, until you long for it.
((Courtesy: Chamber Dance Project))
((Diane Coburn Burning, Chamber Dance Project))
I started Chamber Dance Project upon the conviction that dance
should be a collaboration between dancers and musicians,
playing live on stage and performing together. Also, that working
in smaller spaces, smaller theaters, would heighten the
experience for the audience. And that sharing the process along
the way would also deepen that experience and understanding
before the audience sees the final ballet.
((NATS: Diane Coburn Burning -- voice only while Christian is
Try to keep your palms in the same position and switch the legs.
Stay as low as you can to wiggle the arms, hands down and slide
the legs.
((Diane Coburn Burning, Chamber Dance Project))
Bill asked, ‘how do you allow your bodies to feel, learn, memorize
this range of motion?’ Anyone want to take that one?
((Christian Denice, Dancer from California))
We can still see it and we can understand it and feel it. And I
think that’s something that’s so beautiful about this time where it
feels like we’re all kind of dealing with different amounts of loss
and levels of either losing jobs or opportunities. But, you know,
dance is always going to be rooted in us.
((Diane Coburn Burning, Chamber Dance Project))
So, we’re settling for the screen and now we’re trying to, you
know, blow up that screen with energy and excitement. It’s a way
for us to create and connect which is what we’re known for. So, I
think the virtual aspect will be part of something we do going
forward. Do we want to be back on stage? You bet. And we will
((MUSIC/NATS: Christian Dancing))