Paris Police Gird For Weekend Protests Over Macron, Climate

Yellow vest protesters wait near the Seine River for other members to join them, Sept. 7, 2019.

Paris is deploying thousands of police to protect landmarks and government buildings as yellow vest groups, unions and environmental activists plan a multitude of weekend protests.

A few hundred anti-government protesters started marching Saturday morning in the Paris streets.

Yellow vest organizer Thierry-Paul Valette told The Associated Press Friday that demonstrators hope their gathering in Paris and other cities could revive their flagging movement against economic injustice.

French President Emmanuel Macron addressed some yellow vest concerns earlier this year, but anger is mounting again over his plans to overhaul France's costly, convoluted pension system.

Hard-left union Workers' Force is holding a separate march against the retirement reform Saturday, amid concerns it will require people to work longer and reduce pensions.

Climate activists meanwhile are demonstrating Saturday in Paris to demand more action from the government and companies to reduce emissions and save the burning Amazon rainforest and the melting Arctic.