Storm Damage: Rafael's Nightmare

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Like thousands of fellow Puerto Ricans, Rafael Ocasio Barreto left the island in 2017 after Hurricane Maria destroyed their homes and livelihoods. This is the story of a climate migrant from his own perspective.
Like thousands of fellow Puerto Ricans, Rafael Ocasio Barreto left the island in 2017 after Hurricane Maria destroyed their homes and livelihoods. Scientists say that Climate Change was one of the factors behind Hurricane Maria's severity. Rafael endured some of the same trials and tribulations that climate refugees experience during their migration. Four years have passed, but for Rafael, the psychological scars of hurricane Maria still linger. Although he left the storm behind, climate change has followed him even to his new home. As witnessed during Storms Henry and Ida, New York too is increasingly susceptible to the impact of climate change. This is the story of a climate migrant from his own perspective.