Family Fish Camp

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Home to the largest sockeye salmon run in the world, Bristol Bay salmon thrive while salmon fisheries elsewhere decline. They use a stationary fishing method called set-netting, which involves nets anchored near fish camps along the beach during the summer fishing season. Producer | Camera | Editor: Gabrielle Weiss

((TRT: 16:47))
((Producer/Camera/Editor: Gabrielle Weiss))
((Map: Bristol Bay, Alaska; South Naknek, Alaska))
((Main characters: 3 female; 1 male))
((Sub characters: 3 female; 3 male))

((Blurb: Home to the largest sockeye salmon run in the world, Bristol Bay salmon are thriving while the rest of the world has seen their salmon fisheries decline or all but disappear Set-netting is one form of commercial fishing where the net is stationary, anchored off the beach usually close to ‘fish camps’ where people live during the summer fishing season. Alaska’s seafood industry is one of the biggest economic drivers in the state.))
((Text on screen/Over Drone shot:
The Fransen Fish Camp))
((Courtesy/Drone shot:
Rafael de la Uz))
((Greg Fransen

Okay, I'll ask a blessing. Thank you for this crew. Thanks, Lord, for the privilege it is to be involved in this fishery. And thank you for our healthy bodies. And thank you for each person around this table. We pray, just bless this food to our body. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
((Sofie Fransen

Sleeping and eating are priorities when we're not fishing.
((Cody Fransen

Mostly eating. Equal. Fishing and eating are equal, and sleeping is a close second.
((Greg Fransen

Everything revolves around the fishing, and when we're out there fishing, so eating can wait, sleeping can wait.
((Cody Fransen
You barely notice that in the boat. But then you like come in and just fall asleep on the table. It’s like, I guess, I am tired.
((Lori Fransen

They're eating breakfast and then their heads are on the table, snoring within seconds, yeah.
((Sofie Fransen

I’ve been coming out here every year since I was born. I think I maybe missed one summer, so it's kind of in my blood. So, I grew up playing here on the beach, and now I'm working for my dad, and, yeah, paying my way through college with the money I earn in the summer.
((Lori Fransen

I'm super proud of her. Just at this point, hasn't had to have a huge, take out a loan and have huge debt. And that's always a concern.
((Sofie Fransen

This job is just so unique in that the fish come and they hit, and when there's a lot of them, you get paid a lot. And it's just such a unique experience. And sometimes you don't get paid a lot if there's not a lot of fish.
((Greg Fransen

I’m a little bit concerned about the youth of this generation and the fact that there can be a bit of an entitlement mentality. And I think this helps teach the value of work, the value of a dollar that's earned. And I think that's really important. I think some of that's getting lost today.
((Greg Fransen

Okay, let's get our gear on. Shall we?

((Sofie Fransen

This here’s our army truck. We’ve had this forever. As you can see right now, it’s hooked up to the line which goes way out into the water. And the net is attached on this line right here. So, as the tide comes in, we use the clamp and use the truck and we can pull the net in with the tide. And it’s really nice to keep the net close to the beach because a lot of fish run near the shore. So, yeah, as the tide keeps coming in, we pull it in, and then as the tide goes out, then we can pull it out too, and keep fishing for as many hours as we can get the boat underneath the net.
((Courtesy/Drone shot of boat: Rafael de la Uz))
((Greg Fransen

Okay, you ready? Okay, pulling ahead.
((Sofie Fransen

It takes a lot of practice. There’s actually a lot of technique. This one is definitely very tangled. That’s okay. I ripped the face off.
((Greg Fransen

I saw that. To be fast, always keep fish in front of everybody. We don't wait for somebody to get a fish out of the net. We bring that fish all the way to the stern, so everybody has fish in front of them. We pick and deliver, pick and deliver as fast as we can until we run out of water, or until the tide goes out too far.

((Sofie Fransen

He taught me when I was really young, so I feel like every year like I gain more skill. Yeah.
((Greg Fransen

Good job, you guys. Two and a half bags. That works.
((Tender operator))
Hello. What’s going on?
((Courtesy/Drone shot of boat: Rafael de la Uz))
There we go. Easy down. Here we go.
((Greg Fransen

Yeah, we’re good to go.
((Tender worker))
1,382 pounds.
((Greg Fransen

Yeah. We'll take it. That was a good, good little pick.
((Tender operator))

What is it, three years now?
((Greg Fransen,
Father, Fisherman))

Yeah, I think so.
((Tender operator))

Has it been? Is it four or three?
((Greg Fransen,
Father, Fisherman))

Three, I think.
((Tender operator))
Three. It’s only going to get better. We’re going to spend a lifetime together. I’ll pass away and then I’ll hand it off to my kids. She’ll be working with my kids.
((Sofie Fransen
((Greg Fransen

Are we ready?
((Sofie Fransen

Ready. We’re good to go. See you soon. Bye, guys.

((Courtesy/Drone shot of boat: Rafael de la Uz))
((Sofie Fransen
I love being in the boat. I love the water, love boats. The hardest part is definitely the hours. It’s pretty exhausting. But I love fishing, so…it’s all…and the money’s great too, so it’s a good aspect. Yeah, I hope just to continue as long as I can.

((Text on screen/Over drone shot:
The Bandle Family Fish Camp))
((Courtesy/Drone shot of Fish Camp:
Rafael de la Uz))
((Sharon Bandle

My name is Sharon Bandle. This is my husband, John Bandle. We’re currently in South Naknek. This is our traditionally called ‘fish camp’. And it's where you spend your time during the summer while you're fishing.
((Courtesy/Drone shot of boat: Rafael de la Uz))
((John Bandle

This area is unique in the fact that it has the volume that it has for this particular type of fish.
((Courtesy/Drone shot of boat: Rafael de la Uz))
((Sharon Bandle

It is the largest red salmon area in the world. We came down here early eighties, when our kids were six years old and four years old. We've been married 50 years, and before we were married, we fished in southeast Alaska, and that…it's something that John really loved.
Get the hot dogs. They’re inside.
((Sharon Bandle

We’re fortunate enough to have electricity and a telephone and a washer and dryer. Not everybody has that. So, we feel very fortunate.

Yeah, our cribbage match. Dave, stomping me pretty good. Eleven.
((Sharon Bandle

This is a cabin that is very small, very tight, very compressed. We actually, we have eight bunks. You can sit on the bed here. This little area here, at my age, is somewhat of a challenge to get into. And you don't want to get up too fast because these hang down. So, John and I have hit our head a number of times. But you know what? That's just all part of what's going on here, so. But we have the things that we need. We have water that comes out of a tank. We've got a refrigerator here, a microwave, and we've got pork roast in there.

Two, four, six, eight, pair for ten, pair for twelve.
((David Nogg

A comeback in the making. Perfect day for cards. Our only concern is just living by the tides, and the excitement of catching a lot of fish, and watching our kids enjoy themselves, and being able to do all these things as a family. Pretty amazing. Having friends come out. It's pretty special and pretty rare.

Yeah, it's been really cool. These guys have opened it up, you know, just because it is a place where, like you, you come out here, and then you're like, ‘Oh, I want to show you this’. It’s that kind of place.
((Noah Nogg

Let’s see. I'm trying, I'm trying to get some paper towels for the fire.
((David Nogg

For the fire? What are you doing?
((Noah Nogg

Oh, we’re making s’mores.
((David Nogg

Oh, gotcha.
((Noah Nogg

It’s going to be fun. I might give one to you, okay?
((Courtesy/Drone shot of pier and town:
Rafael de la Uz))
((Sharon Bandle

If you haven't been in a rural community, it's a little different than being in an urban community. If you're expecting Starbucks, there's not going to be one on the corner. You need to be very creative in how you do things, and you need to sort of understand that before coming here. This is our new addition this year. I don't know of too many people who have had an outhouse with warm water sink to wash your hands afterwards…and typically Alaskan...and it was cute. My second night here, I opened the door and there was a bear right outside here. You can leave the door open, you get an absolutely spectacular view.
((Noah Nogg

There’s a weasel.
((Sharon Bandle

Grandkids talk all winter about my cabin, my cabin on the beach. “I can't wait to go to. When are we going to the cabin?”
((Tiffany Bandle Nogg

We don’t want that. We don’t want it to go out.
We were actually out here when we found out we were having a little girl, and it just seemed really fitting to go with Bristol. We do call her Bristol Bay. And then my son is Noah, the boat builder. So yeah, I definitely naming my kids after this place shows kind of how much it means to me. I first came out here in 1986. So, for me, it's just always been part of my life. All the rules at home, you're allowed to break out here during the summer. So, when I got older, I really wanted my kids to grow up the same way I did and kind of escape from the city life during the summers.
((John Bandle

Time for us to go catch a fish.
((Courtesy/Drone shot of boat: Rafael de la Uz))
((Sharon Bandle

This fishing has gone on for hundreds of years by the native people who were here before. So, we need to respect that. We needed to learn from them. And we wanted our children to also understand that, so that they understood what Alaska is really about. Our daughter and son-in-law have been basically kind of running the site for us.
((Dave Nogg

When I'm not here, I'm a principal of a middle school in Anchorage and my wife is a teacher. So, this is a wonderful way for us to have family time, but also another income, and more than anything, just live as Alaskans, because we're both born and raised here, and this is just a part of the fabric that makes this such an amazing state.
((Courtesy/Drone shot of boat: Rafael de la Uz))

Sometimes these tender operators get a little wild with the crane.
((Dave Nogg

Oh! Otter Pops. We’re easily entertained out here.
((Tender Operator))
I'll give you a red one too, because like that flag, right?
((Dave Nogg

Perks of the job. It’s the small things.
((Tender Operator))

See you guys.
((Dave Nogg

We’re Bristol Bay family. We all rely on each other and look out for each other. So, it's just a neat community.
((John Bandle

As long as you enjoy it and get your fish, it’s a win.
((Courtesy/Drone shot of town and water: Rafael de la Uz))
((Courtesy/Drone shot of boat: Rafael de la Uz))
((Evelyn Chase

Bristol Bay is known as one of the top producing wild salmon industries in the world. And it has always had a really good reputation.
((Text on Screen/Shot of jacket hanging on porch:

The Chase Family Fish Camp))
((Evelyn Chase

It’s still morning. Did Alli wake up with a song in her heart?
((Allison Chase

Not yet. We'll see what happens when we get on the water.
((Evelyn Chase

Since she’s a little girl, she’d sing first thing in the morning. ((NATS))
((Evelyn Chase
Morning Greg.
We fish for Alaska General Seafoods, which is based out of Naknek, North side. When we're done picking our net, we’ll drive over to the tender. And once we get to the tender, they'll offload it, weigh it, then they take it, and they process it in the cannery. You know, from there it goes to, you know, whoever their buyers are.
((Allison Chase

It’s a beautiful day.
((Evelyn Chase

Goodness, girl. Hang on to it.
((Allison Chase

((Evelyn Chase

Hang on to it.
We used to have these little games, who can be the fastest at picking fish? As the kids were growing up, that was one of their goals as they become the faster picker.
((Allison Chase

I do have a lot of fun here. Usually my sister, Gabi, is here and we have a lot more fun on the boat, but she’s home this summer. Usually, we spend all summer together on the boat, picking together, yeah.
((Evelyn Chase

These kids have grown up. They know exactly what they need to do when they need to do it. You know, some kids will come out here, they'll be miserable, and I always just kept telling them, you know, you can do anything for two weeks. It doesn't have to just be fishing. But, you know, when life gets hard and you want to quit, just think, in two weeks, I could be done with this. And so that's kind of been my work philosophy with the kids, especially when they're in high school. And, you know, they don't want to get out of bed at 4 o’clock in the morning. It's just not fun, you know. And I would just say, you know, we do this, you know, for part of the summer. The main part of the fishing season is two weeks. You can do anything for two weeks.
((Allison Chase

It’s 50 fathom, mom.
((Evelyn Chase

Need that arm exercises, Alli. They haven't always bought into it. You know, they've wanted to do something else or, you know, go to softball games with friends or, you know, just do summer things. But, you know, we've never had that. Because in life, you do miss out. There's things in life you miss out on. And when they grow older, I think they've learned that, you know, there's some other kids who are missing out on a whole bunch more.
Well, I think we already have half a bag.
((Courtesy/Drone shot of boat: Rafael de la Uz))
((Courtesy/Drone shot of house, dirt roads: Rafael de la Uz))
(Evelyn Chase

My fancy kitchen tools.
My mom is Alaskan native from here. She grew up here. She was one of the original set-netters in our family. So, her permit was passed on to her from her grandfather. Our philosophy in salmon fishing has never been about the money. It has a historical value to me, just personally, a traditional value for commercial fishing here. You know, it's something that my mom loved to do, and I felt very fortunate to be able to carry it on. I have to remind myself and my family that it's not about the money. But economically, if that's what we're going to look at it, for then, it changes everything. It changes how you're going to raise your kids. It's going to change how, you know, you do life. It's a short period of time that you could be together but learn how to be together working as a family, which a lot of people don't do a lot of. That was one of our goals, was to raise our children here, and with set netting, you have to go and do a lot of physical labor while doing it.
((Allison Chase

Whenever we like talk to most of our friends, the first thing we probably say is, “Hi, I am Alli. I am from Alaska and I commercial fish.” Like that's kind of the way it goes, and that's our number one thing that we're proud of, to say that we do in the summer, because it's such a family bond and everything.
((Evelyn Chase

It's not just fishing. It's deep and part of each and every one of them. I plan on coming out here every summer for as long as I can, as long as the Lord will allow. It’s my goal for sure. I would love to raise my family out here too just as my family did. It’s just a different type of peace.