Musharraf: bin Laden's Whereabouts Still Unknown

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says the search for Osama bin Laden has gone completely cold, and his nation's intelligence and security forces have no recent information about the whereabouts of the leader of the al-Qaida terrorist network.

General Musharraf, who has been meeting with President Bush and other U.S. officials in Washington, says in an interview published Sunday that Pakistani forces are aggressively pursuing Osama bin Laden, but have only been able to determine that he is still alive.

Mr. Musharraf says the United States must share responsibility for the failure to track down the al-Qaida leader, because the U.S.-led coalition does not have enough troops in neighboring Afghanistan.

After their meetings at the White House Saturday, Mr. Bush said "there is nobody more dedicated" to tracking down Osama bin Laden than Mr. Musharraf, who has twice survived assassination attempts that reportedly were traced to al-Qaida extremists.