Mbeki to Hold New Talks in Ivory Coast

South African President Thabo Mbeki is to hold further talks with his Ivorian counterpart Laurent Gbagbo Monday to help renew peace efforts in the west African nation.

The talks come at the end of a four-day trip to Ivory Coast, where Mr. Mbeki also met with other government officials and rebel leader Guillaume Soro.

Sunday, Mr. Mbeki said South African mediators are readying suggestions to help revive a stalled peace process.

The rebels want President Gbagbo to resign, saying he has failed to implement peace deals ending a civil war last year.

President Gbagbo says rebels should also respect the agreements, which include disarming fighters.

Meantime, the top United Nations envoy to Ivory Coast, Albert Tevoedjre, has resigned, saying his efforts were no longer making progress.

Some information for this report provided by AFP.