Ukraine Supreme Court Confirms Yushchenko's Election Win

Ukraine's Supreme Court has confirmed opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko's election victory, rejecting his opponent's appeal of the results of last month's presidential vote.

Judges rejected former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych's claim that the December 26th election was flawed and should be overturned.

The ruling means the election results can be officially published Thursday, clearing the way for Mr. Yushchenko's inauguration -- possibly as early as Saturday.

Final results of the election showed Mr. Yushchenko winning with 52 percent of the vote, 8 percent more than Mr. Yanukovych.

Mr. Yanukovych has filed a number of complaints about the election, which was a court-ordered re-vote replacing flawed balloting in November.

Separately, an aide to Mr. Yushchenko says the president-elect will travel to the European parliament next week to promote Ukraine's bid to join the European Union.