Zimbabwe's Ruling Party Wins Parliamentary Majority

Zimbabwe's ruling party has won a majority in parliamentary elections - criticized by the opposition as a massive fraud.

Election officials say President Robert Mugabe's ruling ZANU-PF party has taken more than 50 of 120 constituencies, compared to 33 for the opposition.

President Mugabe appoints an additional 30 seats, guaranteeing a majority for his party. He is seeking a two-thirds majority -- granting him the power to change the constitution.

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai says Thursday's poll was not free or fair, and he accuses the government of fraudulently betraying the people of Zimbabwe. He says Mr. Mugabe's government has used repressive laws and political threats to win votes.

Robert Mugabe
President Robert Mugabe has dismissed claims of fraud as "nonsense."

Thursday's vote was conducted smoothly with no incidents of violence. But a Southern African regional observer mission, SADC, said it was concerned that some voters were turned away from polling stations.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and AP.