Family of Deposed Chinese Leader Holds Memorial

Under the watchful eye of security forces, the family of ousted Chinese leader Zhao Ziyang has held a memorial ceremony for him on China's traditional day of remembrance for the dead.

Zhao's family planted a magnolia tree in the backyard of his Beijing home Tuesday. The former Communist Party leader died in January at the age of 85.

Zhao was deposed in 1989 over his opposition to the violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square. He spent the next 15 years under house arrest.

China's government accused Zhao of making "serious mistakes" in his handling of the protests and downplayed his death. Many pro-democracy activists and relatives of those who were killed in Tiananmen have been prevented by security forces from visiting Zhao's home to pay their respects.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.