Cardinals Hold Pre-Conclave Meeting on Major Church Issues

From left, Cardinals Luis Aponte Martinez of Puerto Rico, Georg Maximilian Sterzinsky of Germany and Geraldo Majella Agnelo of Brazil leave the Vatican after the daily meeting of the College of Cardinals
Roman Catholic cardinals have held a second day of meetings at the Vatican to discuss major issues facing the Church, less than one week before they begin their conclave to elect a successor to the late Pope John Paul II.

The Vatican spokesman said the cardinals had what he termed an "exchange of ideas" on the overall situation of the Church, including its financial deficit.

Separately, the Vatican says at least three million pilgrims visited Rome in the week following Pope John Paul's death on April 2.

It says an average of 21,000 mourners an hour filed past the late pontiff's body as it lay in state in St. Peter's basilica.

Authorities announced the numbers as they prepared to open the crypt under the basilica where Pope John Paul is buried to the public Wednesday.

Some information for this story provided by AP and Reuters.