Senior Taleban Officials Surrender to Afghan Government

Afghan officials say two senior members of Afghanistan's former Taleban regime have surrendered to the government under an amnesty offer.

The two men are Mullah Mohammad Naseem, the former Taleban governor of Zabul province, and Haji Mohammad Akhtar, the former police chief of Farah province.

The governor of Helmand province, Mullah Sher Mohammad, said they surrendered after month-long talks.

In the southeastern Khost province, the U.S. military said coalition forces have killed at least 12 insurgents in a clash in southeastern Khost province.

A military statement Thursday, said the fighting erupted late Tuesday, when insurgents fired rockets at a U.S. base at Salerno and troops retaliated with artillery and air strikes at rebel positions. There were no coalition casualties.

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.