Iraqi PM-Designate Completes Cabinet List

Iraq's prime minister-designate has completed his list of proposed cabinet members after three months of political negotiations.

Ibrahim al-Jaafari presented the list to President Jalal Talabani Tuesday. The three-member presidential council must approve the list, before it can go to the 275-member national assembly for a vote of approval.

Iraqi officials and state television report that the country's majority Shi'ites will get 17 cabinet seats, while the Kurds, who came second in the elections, will get eight. The Sunnis, who mostly boycotted the vote, will get only six seats. And the tiny Christian minority will have one seat.

The party of interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, which won 40 seats in the assembly, was apparently shut out of the new government.

In addition, Mr. Jaafari has named three deputy prime ministers - a Shi'ite, a Kurd and a Sunni.

Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.