Stalin Bust Unveiled in Siberia Amid V-E Day Ceremonies

A Siberian town marked the 60th anniversary of victory in Europe Sunday by unveiling a bust of Stalin, the Soviet dictator who led the country during the struggle against Nazi forces.

Russian media said a few thousand people joined the regional governor of the Republic of Yakutia-Sakha in the town of Mirny as the monument was unveiled.

Soviet officials removed statues and images of Stalin in the mid 1950s, but public displays of the former dictator have been reappearing in Russia amid controversy.

Russia's Itar-Tass news agency says a Stalin bust that was unveiled in another Siberian city, Krasnoyarsk, on Saturday was removed just a few hours later on instructions from regional authorities.

Stalin has been blamed for the deaths of millions of people during his decades of domination of the Soviet Union.

Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.