Afghan President, UN Condemn Reported US Abuse of Afghan Prisoners

Hamid Karzai
Afghan President Hamid Karzai says he will bring up the reported deaths of two Afghan prisoners at the hands of the U.S. military during talks with President Bush at the White House Monday.

Mr. Karzai says he wants all prisoners in his country placed under Afghan government control and wants to be consulted on all U.S. military operations.

The United Nations condemned the alleged abuse of detainees, as "utterly unacceptable" and urged the U.S. military to allow a probe by Afghan human rights investigators.

U.S. officials have condemned the misconduct and say seven soldiers have been punished.

The New York Times reported Friday that the U.S. Army has documented the abuse of detainees in Afghanistan in a 2,000 page report that has not yet been officially released.

Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.