Iranian Reformists Allowed to Contest in Presidential Race

Iran's hard-line Guardian Council has agreed to allow two reformist candidates to run in the June 17 presidential election, after initially disqualifying them.

Iranian state media say the council sent a letter to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Tuesday, informing him of the decision to reinstate the candidacy of former Education Minister Mustafa Moin and Vice President for Sports Moshen Mehralizadeh.

The Ayatollah had ordered the 12-member council to review its initial decision, after the country's main reform party threatened to boycott the elections over the ban.

The unelected overseeing body of clerics and jurists Sunday rejected all but six presidential hopefuls.

Last year, hard-liners took control of Iran's parliament after the Guardian Council disqualified more than 2,400 reformists, including 80 incumbents, from running for office.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and Reuters.