IOC: Beijing's Preparations for 2008 Summer Games on Schedule

Members of International Olympic Committee (IOC) coordination commission wearing helmets inspect construction site of National Stadium for 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing
International Olympic Committee officials have announced that Beijing's preparations for the 2008 Summer Games are on schedule and may even be moving too fast.

Olympic officials continued their four-day visit to the Chinese capital Tuesday with a tour of the distinctive "Bird's Nest" National Stadium and cube-shaped Aquatic Center. Kevan Gosper, chairman of the IOC Press Commission, says work is moving so quickly that the Beijing Organizing Committee has been asked to slow down construction.

China began slowing construction last year amid concerns that facilities finished too early would stand empty, adding to maintenance costs. Beijing organizers also cut the number of stadiums to be built from the 10 originally planned to five, to keep building costs below $2 billion.

The National Stadium has been dubbed the "Bird's Nest" for its latticework of girders. It will house the opening and closing ceremonies as well as track and field events.

Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.